
Hmm... fort or tent?

Anyone else make a fort with sheets and blankets in your living room this weekend? No, no, not for kids. We decided to make a tent in the living room at Louie's house this weekend! It was a LOT of fun, we moved all the furniture out and made the whole room a tent!

Before this crazy idea we went bowling!

View more photo's from this weekend here


At 3/20/2006 4:13 PM, Blogger Manufacturer said...

Man, my form is terrible. I was much better at "Dance Dance Revolution", I swear.

At 3/21/2006 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooh! two weeks ago when uncle nat came to help watch zander i asked znader if he wanted to have a sleep over with uncle nat and we could make a fort in the living room! but he being 3 said NO! man kids today!
no fort this time maybe next time, at least SOMEONE did it!

if nat didn't live in a shoebox *coughSTUDIOcough* this would be a fun thing to do on a sat nite.


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