
What have I been up to?

Took some photos of my inspiration book.

From the sketchbook:

Other things occupying my life at the moment:

:: Looking for a new apartment (very pumped about this)
:: Taking care of Elmo (found out he has a blood clot and heart disease)
:: Finished my taxes
:: Doing lots of freelance work for Trudesign
:: Looking for a new full time gig
:: Some Bikram Yoga

I'm currently watching the lunar eclipse, are you? It's amazing.

Happy Hump Day Peeps.


At 2/21/2008 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh no, i'm so sad to hear about elmo. :( hugs to you both!!! :( xoxoxo!!!

At 2/21/2008 7:02 AM, Blogger photomommy said...

Sorry to hear about Elmo.

I watched the eclipse last night. Very cool.

At 2/21/2008 12:28 PM, Blogger Missy said...

We missed the eclipse. But that's what happens when you go to bed at the very late hour of 8:30 pm.

Give Elmo a hug from me. I still laugh when I think about him and his sweater. :)

At 2/25/2008 5:56 PM, Blogger Beth from the Funny Farm said...

That inspiration book of yours is a great idea!

:-) Beth

At 2/25/2008 10:42 PM, Blogger /// said...

You have such a LOVELY blog!!! :)


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