
Excuses Excuses...

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. I got to go to at least one haunted house on Sunday, which was really fun. Now I need to change my blog banner!

So, I have a super nice sewing machine that I got for Christmas a few years ago. I hemmed one pair or pants, with much frustation I must say. I haven't done anything since.

What is wrong with me?! I stare at it everyday thinking that I need to just start and practice! Why don't I just do it? I am afraid of it for some reason, scared that I'll be bad at it. Damnit, I just need to do it!!!!!!!! Any thoughts of inspiration anyone to get me off my ass and onto the sewing machine?!


At 11/01/2005 1:16 PM, Blogger Handmade Girl said...

My husband got me a machine for this past mother's day, though I hadn't used one in a while.
When I complained of being bored, he would say "What about that sewing machine I got you?" What a guilt-tripper.
I got online and found all these cool, crafty blogs for inspiration, and now he has Playstation and I have the sewing machine.

At 11/01/2005 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i couldn't tell you.
i belong to a team. my sister does all the sewing because i suck at it. i put on my blog the story of my 7th grade sewing disaster.
so i am of no help at all.
altho i did tackle sewing the ribbon onto a walmart chocolate brown aline skirt. i've had women in the expensive botiques i window shop at in chicago ask me about that skirt. hee hee

At 11/02/2005 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if you put up a picture of an outfit or piece of clothing that you love and want to try and sew right by your sewing machine? Play MMW at top volume while sewing!! Drink wine...but not too much, otherwise you might not be able to wear what you sew! Hope this helps!


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